Philips Body Groom

The Philips Bodygroom campaign I recorded at Pirate was easily one of the most fun jobs I’ve ever had. The product is a “manscaping” appliance and the scripts for the campaign were a hilarious string of thinly veiled double entendres designed to tell you about the product without overtly discussing pubic hair or penis size. Even more satisfyingly, the campaign ended up winning me the Gold in the Crystal Awards for Best Radio Performance 2008. The Philips Bodygroom campaign also won Gold and Bronze for Agency Single (“Housekeeping Tips” and “Gardening Tips” respectively), the Craft Award for the writing of “Gardening Tips”, Gold for Agency Campaign and the Platinum Best in Show (which basically means we won everything, forever, amen).
Pirate used to use these spots at conferences and lectures as their “closer”, which obviously made me chuffed to bits. That’s English for “quite pleased”. Enjoy! Click on the play button below to hear all three commercials. To download a copy, right click here.