To contact Marilla Wex directly please use the form below. You can expect a response within 48 hours outside of major holidays. Marilla is open to interviews regarding her voice work and voice over business coaching plus any and all interesting or juicy voice gigs! At the present time she is not accepting private dialect coaching students but please get in touch regardless since she will be able to refer you to another coach.

NB – if you’re contacting Marilla regarding a voice over project please see the notes below on what you need to include in your message!

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Contact Marilla Wex

If you need to contact Marilla Wex regarding potential voice work please be sure to include the following information:

  • what kind of work is it? e.g. explainer video, elearning, telephony, online ad etc.
  • will you need a directed session with Marilla? If so – what time zone are you in? How would you like to connect? e.g. Source Connect, Skype, phone etc.
  • what is the usage for the work? e.g. internal pitch, online without paid placement, local radio commercial
  • how long is the usage? e.g. 13 week tv campaign, 6 month online ads, 1 year local radio

The more information you can provide about your project, the better since it will avoid an endless back-and-forth of follow-up questions.