I have loved Weetabix ever since I was a kid. Cold milk in the summer. Hot milk in the winter. Loads of sugar on top or a banana…

So imagine my unalloyed glee when I booked a voice gig doing the product blurb on the end of a hugely popular British commercial that’s going to be shown here in Canada. I was pretty damned chuffed.

Thanks to Ted Rosnick (who directed me in the Knorr Liptons Sidekicks commercial) at RMW and DRAFTFCB for a lovely gig and for indulging me as I went full-mockney.

The video is in HD – if you want to see it in its full glory please click on the expand button in the player – press the Esc button on your computer to go back to the original size.

[flashvideo file=video/Marilla-Wex-in-Weetabix-Big-Day.flv /]