We’ve had another good review of SmackHeaded Peter!
Hot on the heels of yesterday’s rave review from Kevin Reid of The Visitorium, here’s Jon Kaplan’s mini-review of the show in NOW Magazine.
I’m so happy it includes a great shout-out for Bryan who is stunning as the lead character, SmackHeaded Peter:
Simon Glass’s audacious and striking script is the story of a Christlike figure from a low-class London estate who tries to save the world through easily accessible heroin; director Heather Davies gives it an extra twist by staging it as a play-within-a-play. The poetic, image-rich text is dense and sometimes opaque, but the cast, led by an exuberant Bryan Demore as Peter, presents it in fine style.
There are only four shows left! Make sure you don’t miss this wonderful play by buying your tickets here.