Love Kraft Homestyle Mac and Cheese? Who doesn’t, right?
This was seriously one of the funnest jobs ever – directed by John Birkin (a fanastic British director) the premise was that Thomas Jefferson (who allegedly invented mac and cheese) comes back and is upset by Kraft having stolen his recipe. Thomas Jefferson is played by Albert Howell and Rob Baker is my husband – two lovely guys whom it was a pleasure to spend time with and get to know.
We filmed this in a beautiful back yard in Scarborough, Ontario (just east of Toronto) and the horse (Bubba) was amazing. A wonderful day’s work.
The video is in HD – if you want to see it in its full glory please click on the expand button in the player – press the Esc button on your computer to go back to the original size.
[flashvideo file=video/kraft.flv /]