
Filming on location in Ontario - fecking cold!

For two and a half glorious seasons I worked on the tv show Reign. I was the Reader – a new ACTRA designation which involved running lines with the actors and being English at them to help them maintain their flawless Renaissance France accents (if you don’t know the show this will make no sense whatsoever).

The Reader and the Script Supervisor - a match made in heaven!

I also tag-teamed with the script supervisor for prompting and line correction – this was especially useful when we were working on location as I could often stay closer to the actors than she could.

In Season 1 the producers threw me a bone and cast me in a small role – that of the Midwife in episode 114. Well, she was actually an abortionist that Lola (the glorious Anna Popplewell) visits when she is considering getting rid of Francis’ bastard. As usual this was a glamour role.

Reign was an incredible apprenticeship in how episodic television is made. I had an opportunity few actors get: to study the process from the other side of the camera. I learned how each department contributes to a production and gained invaluable insight into not only the craft of acting on camera but also into the real nuts and bolts of filmmaking. Thank you to Megan Follows for requesting a Reader, to Thom Pretak for the hiring me and to Frank Siracusa, Fred Gerber, Patrick Tidy, Felix Gray and all of the wonderful directors in seasons 1 through 3 for all of their support.

And most of all – thank you to the incredible cast and crew. I love and miss you all.

Click on the images below to see some candid behind the scenes photos from Reign.

Oh walkie....I think I'll miss you most of all!